Coronavirus and Schools: Progress Monitoring Language
The firm shares an example of language that may be used for third quarter progress monitoring during the coronavirus closure.
The firm shares an example of language that may be used for third quarter progress monitoring during the coronavirus closure.
Following questions on recent advice concerning NOREPs and their relationship to the Continuity of Education, the firm offers additional insight.
Several questions on videoconferencing with students during the coronavirus closure are answered.
Additional questions on videoconferencing with students during the coronavirus closure - specifically using Zoom - are answered.
The firm answers questions regarding suggested language on NOREPs issued during the coronivus closure.
An intermediate unit queries whether using online platforms such as Zoom and Google Meet to deliver virtual instruction to students with disabilities during the coronavirus closure is a breach of confidentiality.
The firm shares model language and use instructions for issuing NOREPs during the coronivus closure.
The USDE issued new guidance on the coronavirus closure. The firm breaks it down to understandable points.
The firm offers details of the The Families First Coronavirus Support Act.
We may need to begin planning for the very real possibility that schools will remain closed due to coronavirus for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school term.