To get an idea of staffing and other issues, a district wishes to send a letter to parents asking if they are interested in ESY after the coronavirus closure. How does the firm suggest they proceed?
The firm offers advice for those seeking guidance concerning graduation of students with disabilities, and if these students are entitled to compensatory services once schools re-open after the coronavirus closure.
A school that already communicated with parents on a possible ESY during the coronavirus closure asks the firm to review its outreach to make sure all necessary information was included.
The firm is asked: Are there legal considerations for schools hosting virtual proms during the coronavirus closure?
During the coronavirus closure, questions have arisen concerning compensatory services after schools reopen. The firm provides answers and helpful documents.
The firm answers: are there any pitfalls to using electronic signatures on Special Ed, gifted ed, and 504 docs during the coronavirus closure?
The firm shares how a district might respond when parents don't agree with interim NOREPs offered during the coronavirus closure.
A district asks the firm for interpretation of the recent letter from Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos to Congress regarding the coronavirus CARES Act.
The firm answers whether Approved Private Schools can continue to bill districts for related services in addition to tuition during the coronavirus closure.
The firm offers guidance on a district's "opt-out” language in ESY contracts for students attending outside placements.