Christina Stephanos Quoted in Employee Retaliation Claims Article
Media Mention
(New Britain, PA) - Attorney Christina Stephanos was interviewed last month for an article on retaliation claims from employees who engage in advocacy. The story, which was featured on, posed a scenario where a school employee - a special education aide who is also the parent of a child with a disability - relayed complaints and service issues outside of the workplace to other parents, despite being advised by school administration not to. As a result, the school opts to not renew the employee's contract and the aide then files both a First Amendment and retaliation claim. The article focuses on proper steps in terms of documentation and communication to try and avoid such a succession of events.
The Special Ed Connection team is comprised of special education attorneys, editors, journalists, and others who research federal statutes and regulations, legal cases, federal policies and news from all over the U.S. to share interpretations, applications, and tips.
Stephanos brings a powerful and multifaceted professional perspective to her practice: in addition to her law degree, she earned a diploma in Special Education, certificates in both Reading and Elementary Education and taught Language Arts and Special Education for six years.
Sweet, Stevens, Katz & Williams, LLP was formed in 1995 by nine experienced education lawyers who created one of the first private law practices in Pennsylvania dedicated entirely to Education Law. Since then, the firm has grown to 16 attorneys who represent over 290 school and municipal entities as Solicitors or as Special Counsel in more than 50 counties throughout Pennsylvania.