Newsroom Article

Coronavirus and Schools: Language ERs/RRs and NOREPs Issued During the COVID-19 Closures


Posted on in Press Releases and Announcements

Can you share with us language that can be added to Evaluation or Reevaluation Reports and to NOREPS when we are following your recommendation to complete review-only evaluations and reevaluations for which consent has been received?

For ERs that you complete for timeline compliance despite the inability to complete testing, include the following statement in the "summary of findings" section:

The team sought and received consent from the parents to conduct the following testing and assessments: _________________________________. The closure of all schools by the Governor in light of the COVID-19 pandemic precluded the completion of this testing and these assessments. The team is therefore unable at this time to make a determination of whether [Student] has a disability and is in need of special education. Immediately upon the reopening of schools, the team will issue a renewed permission form seeking parent consent to perform the necessary tests and assessments and will revisit the issue of eligibility.

In the NOREP that is issued with this report, check the box in section 1 indicating refusal to change the identification of the child. In the second section (proposed action or refusal) write, "Because it was unable to complete required testing and assessments at this time, the multidisciplinary team was unable to determine whether [Student] has a disability and is in need of special education." In the third section (reason for refusal), simply reproduce the statement from the ER above. Options considered should simply state "not applicable."

For RRs, check the box at the end of the review of records section indicating that the team determined testing and assessments are needed. In the summary of findings section, include the following:

From the IEP team review of exiting information, the team was able to establish the following present levels of academic and functional performance and to make the following program needs:

The IEP team, however, concluded that new testing and assessments were needed to [determine continued eligibility for special education][determine whether a change in disability status might be warranted][establish complete present levels of academic and functional performance][make conclusive recommendations concerning ongoing program and placement needs]. Immediately upon the reopening of schools, the team will issue a renewed permission form seeking parent consent to perform the necessary tests and assessments and will revisit these issues once the recommended testing and assessments are conducted.

In this last paragraph, of course, the team will need to select which of the bracketed items prompted the need for new testing and assessments.