Newsroom Article

Faust Returns as Lehigh Special Education Symposium Presenter

News Release

Posted on in Events, Press Releases and Announcements

(New Britain, PA) Andy Faust of Sweet, Stevens, Katz & Williams LLP recently spoke at the Lehigh University College of Education Special Education Law Symposium, held June 19-24, 2016.

The event offered close to two dozen intensive sessions focusing on various aspects, laws and issues related to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), a number of networking opportunities and a keynote address by Ruth Ryder, Acting Director of the Office of Special Education Programs for the United States Department of Education.

A popular presenter at the annual event, Faust spoke at the conference’s opening session on "The IDEA’s Statute of Limitations: Significant New developments,” a look at the IDEA’s statute of limitations for the hearing officer stage, with a special focus on compensatory education services and a look at some recent significant case law interpretations.

Faust is a widely-recognized authority in the areas of special education, student services/child accounting and student civil rights, and has represented school districts and intermediate units at every level of the federal and state judicial and administrative systems.

Sweet, Stevens, Katz & Williams, LLP was formed in 1995 by nine experienced education lawyers who created the first private law practice in Pennsylvania dedicated entirely to Education Law.  Since then, the firm has grown to 16 attorneys who represent over 290 school and municipal entities as Solicitors or as Special Counsel in more than 50 counties throughout Pennsylvania.