Newsroom Article

Sweet Stevens to Offer Title IX Training

News Release

Posted on in Press Releases and Announcements

New Britain, PA – Following on the heels of updated Title IX regulations, the law firm of Sweet, Stevens, Katz & Williams LLP now offers a training program customized for Pennsylvania school districts to help navigate associated policy and practical implications for the 2024-2025 school year.

Title IX is a federal law enacted in 1972 that prohibits sex-based discrimination in any education program receiving federal funding. In April of this year, the United States Department of Education announced the release of new protections under Title IX, which are to take effect in August. The new directives broaden protections for students against sex-based discrimination, including sexual harassment and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. They also establish new procedures for reporting and investigating complaints.

As the new regulations are the subject of multiple court challenges around the country, schools are receiving mixed messages about how to ensure legal compliance.

The firm’s training program aims to dispel any confusion and formulate a response through two comprehensive sessions:

  • A two-hour essential training program reviewing the components of a thorough Title IX program to guide school leaders in not only establishing a compliant policy, but also transforming that policy into practice.
  • A 1.5-hour companion training session to meet the regulatory annual training requirements for Title IX personnel: employees and administrators who serve as Title IX investigators, decision-makers, informal resolution facilitators, and appeal authorities.

Both programs are highly interactive and customized to a district’s unique needs with an emphasis on practical application and actual case studies. They are conducted onsite by attorneys from the firm.

"This program is absolutely essential for any school staff member or administrator with Title IX responsibilities," said attorney Kalani E. Linnell, course director. "It provides training on legal obligations, guidance on understanding and implementing the new changes, and communication strategies for all who are involved in the Title IX sex discrimination grievance procedure."

To learn more about the program or schedule a session, contact Kalani Linnell at (215) 345-9111, or

Sweet, Stevens, Katz & Williams, LLP was formed in 1995 by nine experienced education lawyers who created the first private law practice in Pennsylvania dedicated entirely to Education Law. Since then, the firm has grown to 26 attorneys who represent over 290 school and municipal entities as Solicitors or as Special Counsel in more than 50 counties throughout Pennsylvania, and in additional practice areas, such as Construction Law, Tax Assessment Appeals, Audit of Operations and Practices, Real Estate Law and Oil, Gas and Mineral Law.