Truancy as a Potential “Child Find” Trigger
Both the IDEA and Section 504 place an affirmative duty on school districts to locate, evaluate and identify children who may be in need of special education or a Section 504 Plan.
Our articles, news releases and other publications are listed below by date.
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Both the IDEA and Section 504 place an affirmative duty on school districts to locate, evaluate and identify children who may be in need of special education or a Section 504 Plan.
Does the IDEA’s Least Restrictive Environment mandate apply to Extended School Year programming just as it does to programming provided during the regular school term?
Act 153, which became effective December 31, 2014, requires volunteers in schools who have contact with children to obtain a number of clearances.
Attorneys from Sweet, Stevens, Katz & Williams LLP will return as presenters for the 2015 conference of the Pennsylvania Association of Pupil Service Administrators (PAPSA).
John Audi will deliver the 2015 Spring Legal Roundup for the Pennsylvania School Boards Association (PSBA).
Is data stored on an employee's personal device subject to a Right to Know request?
Sweet Stevens announces the addition of a formal internal investigations service to help school entities respond to allegations of employee misconduct.
Weeks after the firm released an informational newsletter on issues and questions related to Pennsylvania's current teacher salary schedule model, a client district successfully ratifies a new contract without salary schedules.
Sweet Stevens Katz & Williams was recently successful in dismissing a claim under the Americans with Disabilities Act in federal court based on the argument that the former employee of a school district did not present sufficient evidence that she had a disability.
Ellis Katz is a scheduled presenter at the 60th Annual Conference and Exhibition of the Pennsylvania Association of School Business Officials (PASBO). His s session is entitled “The Pros and Cons of Outsourcing Employees.”